From Neal Stephenson's Snowcrash. I was nearly done with this, then I went to Jaime Jones' workshop this weekend and realized I needed to improve it vastly. It's better, but I'm definitely no Jaime Jones!
I'm excited to do some more practicing. SO much work to do.
Dude that workshop was the shit! Again it was good to meet you finally. I have been admiring your work for a long time and this piece is no exception. Great energy !
Hoi brothah! Thanks! Awesome finally meeting you too! How cool is that! I hope you got as jazzed about what we do as I did. that was one exciting show.
HOLY SHIT! YOU ARE IN MY CLASS!!!!!!!! I DID NOT KNOW!!!! that is truly epic! man you are an inspiration to me broda mang :D anyways cant wait to see more of your work for carlo's class :D
dear your blog: MY GOD!!! OK dude!!! WOW!!! people can go there hole live with out seeing something this good. simply beautiful!!! your artwork is top of the line awesome...
Dude that workshop was the shit! Again it was good to meet you finally. I have been admiring your work for a long time and this piece is no exception. Great energy !
Hoi brothah! Thanks! Awesome finally meeting you too! How cool is that! I hope you got as jazzed about what we do as I did. that was one exciting show.
Congrats on Imagine FX!! I flipped when i saw that!
Nice to see a new post! this is rad Izzy, I also enjoyed the article on you in Imagine FX!
Just finished re-reading that book again today. It's too bad he never had time to put an ending in the book...oh wait. He sucks at endings.
HOLY SHIT! YOU ARE IN MY CLASS!!!!!!!! I DID NOT KNOW!!!! that is truly epic! man you are an inspiration to me broda mang :D anyways cant wait to see more of your work for carlo's class :D
awesome as usual. and bloody pink!!
dear your blog: MY GOD!!! OK dude!!! WOW!!! people can go there hole live with out seeing something this good. simply beautiful!!! your artwork is top of the line awesome...
nice painting!!! izzy!!!
where's your new stuff man!!!
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