This is not for the soft of heart. That said, you already saw it... You can't UNSEE it!
It's just an old sketch in my unfinished folder from a while back, I decided to put in a few hours to finish the damn thing. Someday I've got to go through and finish all the ideas i've got in there.
kools dude, too bad it got banned from DA, that was a pretty stupid reason. You're art kicks ass man!
<3 to art.
Fuck yeah. Love the feeling, fuck deviant art. People see a cock and freak. Oh well, not everyone can have an open mind. Great work man.
Yes, please lock yourself away from the world and finish the others.
This is gold.
F people.Great work Izzy you kick so much ass.
I'll be watching you here then, on mah RSS google reader. :P
Honestly, we all need to kick the DA habit.
Don't you hang at CA.org anymore?
I feel that the cat is very inappropriate! Otherwise its prety cool!
I knew it was you :D Have been browsing your pants to find this legendary piece of da ban
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